Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Awareness of Censorship Moment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Awareness of Censorship Moment - Essay Example It is as if they are treating the people as horses by putting blinders so that they can only look one way. They think that by doing this they are exposing the people to just the positive views on the state or government, when in fact, they are inciting anger within the community because they are taking away the people’s freedom to decide for themselves what they want to believe in and support. This is what I think censorship means, although I was still very young when the government was still applying censorship tactics on television. I grew up with unrestricting parents and so I was able to watch whatever I wanted, provided of course, that there was no nudity or portrayals of sex. And so, I did not really experience what it was like to encounter censored materials. However, I experienced censorship firsthand just a few years back. In the summer of 2006, like any other teenager, I was always on the internet—just surfing and downloading games and songs. Nicholas Cage is one of my favorite actors and the movie he did then that was to be released in the next couple of months was â€Å"World Trade Center,† which depicted what happened during the September 11 Terrorist attacks and how the last men that were pulled out alive from the rubble of the building survived. Of course, I know about September 11 and how it caused a negative view on Islam. Nevertheless, I still tried to research further so that I will be able to better understand what happened because I was just 12 years old on that tragic day. So, I entered ‘September 11 attacks’ on Google and it gave me thousands of hits. I was able to surf and open websites until it came to a particular one about Islam and how extreme its followers’ views are. When I clicked on the link to open the page, preparing myself to be shocked at how our religion was being portrayed just because some extremists decided to go on a suicide mission and kill

Monday, February 10, 2020

Application of Enginerring Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Application of Enginerring Principles - Essay Example However, this increase in deflection is going to be minimal. iii. Discuss the possibilities of errors occurring in the tensile test. Errors may be introduced into the tensile test due to various reasons such as: incorrect measurement of length of the sample due to incorrect reading from vernier calliper due to: zero error; parallax error. errors in dial calliper; zero error during initial calibration; parallax error while reading dial calliper. c. The figure shows a bar consisting of four lengths. i. Find the load carried by the bar at B, if the total extension is 0.063 mm. ii. Find the total extension of the bar, if loads applied at both ends are increased by 10%. If the loads at both ends are increased by 10% then inserting the new values into (1) gives: Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 for both the cases. d. A load of 500kN is applied on a short concrete column 400mmx500mm. The column is reinforced with 3 steel bars of 20mm diameter and 3 bars of 30mm diameter. If the modulus of elasticity for steel is 20 times that for concrete, find the stresses in both concrete and steel bars. Areas for concrete and steel bars are: AS = 400 x 500 = 2 x 105 mm2 AC = 3?(10)2 + 3?(15)2 = 3063.45 mm2 Solving simultaneously we get: Now: e. Discuss the load shared by composite cylinder will be more than the conventional cylinder. A composite cylinder can bear greater load than a conventional cylinder. This is due to the presence of materials that have greater tensile strength than the majority composing material. For example, in the case of steel reinforced steel bars, the steel has a greater tensile strength and being stronger can bear larger loads than what concrete could otherwise bear. Moreover, the steel in question tends to deform as much as the concrete which helps it to bear greater loads too. Another reason for composite cylinders being better at load bearing is because the constituent materials are distinct and are trying to move past each other within the overall structure. Th e presence of friction between the composing materials of a cylinder enable it to take larger loads too because the friction would need to be overtaken if the cylinder were to disintegrate. Question Two a. Based on the results obtained from Shear Force Measurement Experiment in the laboratory: i. Name the type of beam used. ii. Critically analyse the variations of theoretical shear force and experimental shear force at the sensor for the given load condition in the laboratory. iii. Usually measuring instruments absorbs some input energy to respond. Discuss how this affects the measurement. Measuring instruments absorb some of the energy that is produced in an experimental or other situation. The instruments need energy to generally overcome their own internal inertias. The absorption of energy tends to lower the amount of force actually available for measurement. However, in most situations the instruments are kept simple and light enough to ensure that the loss of energy is not t oo high to affect the actual measurement process. iv. Analyse the indication of a sudden change in shear force from negative to positive value. Positive shear tends to produce positive bending with geometrical minimas becoming apparent. On the other hand, negative shear tends to produce negative bending with geometrical maximas becoming apparent. As soon as the shear changes from negative to positive, the shape of the sag in the object changes as mentioned